Tadano America and
WHECO partner up
TadanoAmericahas signed
an agreementwithWHECO
tobecome an authorized
structural repair and
restoration services provider
for all Tadano craneproducts.
“Providingour customers
with a complete andpositive
service experience is a very
important part of our company
culture.” saidYoKakinuma,
president, TadanoAmerica.
“We selectedWHECObecause
theyhave theknowledge,
experience, facilities and
trained technicians tohelpus
support our expandingNorth
WHECOCorporation is a
global provider of complex
heavy equipment structural
repair and restoration services.
“Tadanoproducts have
an excellent reputation
in themarket andwe are
verypleased that theyhave
recognizedWHECO as a
company that canhelp them
support their products and
customers,” saidRonWilliams,
offers a very specialized and
advanced level of product
support that adds significant
value andwe look forward to
working closelywithTadano
and their customers.”
Mammoet lifts space
shuttle atop Shuttle
Carrier Aircraft
weight distributionof
the replicaand the safety
concerns for the thousands
of spectators,” saidPierre
Mille,USA salesmanager,
Mammoet. “A space shuttle,
evena replica, isdesigned to
go straight, so it catches a lot of
windwhen lifted sideways. But
we engineered the lift carefully
andwewerewell prepared
for this effect.Withour crane
wewere able to set the space
shuttle exactlywhere it needed
The cranewas assembled
at the site aweek in
advance. It tookaday
andahalf toassemble
ahalf todisassemble
it after the liftwas
The replicawas lifted to
a height of 150 feet.
Mammoet liftedanew
attractionat theNASA
SpaceCenter inHouston to
tallMammoet crane lifteda
122-foot long space shuttle
replica three storieshigh to its
restingplace atop theoriginal
ShuttleCarrierAircraft (SCA)
NASA905, aBoeing747. The
exhibitwill ultimatelybecome
adestination for visitors from
around theworld.
Thedelicate lift to the crown
of the63-foot 747 tookabout
40minutes. The crane lifted
the replica toaheight
of 150 feet before
lowering it onto the
backof theSCA
thatwas sittingon
a15-inch concrete
“The liftwas
of the awkward
Commercial carriers applying
for oversize/overweight travel
permits inMinnesota and
Wisconsin now have a simplified
online process that allows
them to apply for permits
simultaneously from the two
states. TheWINNDOT Portal
will simplify the permitting
process and save time and
money for carriers and the
states, according to the
MinnesotaDOT and the
WisconsinDOT. TheWINNDOT
Portal uses a single interface to
coordinate data flow between
the system’s interface and the
agencies’ back-end permitting
systems. The two agencies
still maintain control over their
respective internal systems.
Ice bucket challenge
Manitowoc employees from across the nation participated in the
IceBucket Challenge, raising$10,000 for Amyotrophic Lateral
Sclerosis (ALS), often referred to as LouGehrig’s disease. A team
of employees involved in organizing the event wanted tomake the
challenge a company-wide event to help unify and rally employees
around the need to find a cure for ALS. The challenge startedwith
theManitowoc Ice facility inWisconsin and traveled throughout
10 other facilities in Florida, Indiana, Arkansas, Pennsylvania,
Tennessee, andMichigan. The event ended at the company’sworld
headquarters inManitowoc,WI. Chairman andCEOGlen Tellock
participated in the challenge. “I couldn’t bemore proud of our
employees’ support in raising funds for ALS. Our teammembers
continue to go above and beyond to help somany worthy causes like
theRelay for Life, UnitedWay, and now TheALSAssociation.”
DaveWood (WHECO),
Yo Kakinuma (Tadano
America) and Tony
Trosclair (Tadano