(national/state reciprocity), nighttime
running, provision sheets, state
corridors (state-line restrictions),
efficient access in/out of ports,
route survey consistency andutility
coordination, holiday restrictions, permit
OS/OW specific accident data,
roundabouts, divisible loaddesignations,
bridge crawl speedprovisions, Federal
regulations –operational impact/
review/response, encourage state official
attendance at industrymeetings, private
engineering expense, electronicdisplay,
bonds, weather restrictions, state line
inspections, states not routing for
dimension, flags, lights, signs, type/size of
escort vehicles.
Recent successes
Recent accomplishments on thepermit/
policy front include:
NorthCarolina added safe-haven
Pennsylvania increased validpermit
length to fivedays.
Delaware increasedweekendhours.
Virginia increasedblade attachment
allowance to14 feetwide and implements
one-stop-shopofferingof local permits.
Connecticut expandedweekendhours
of service and increased requirement for
escort loadsmeasuring at least 90 feet.
Wisconsin increased to150 feet long
forweekend travel, reduced from two
toone escort required forwidthover
16 feet and eliminatedSundaymorning
restrictiononMilwaukee expressway.
Automation and increasingnumber of
states are auto issuing larger dimension/
weight permits andmaking general
upgrades resulting in reducedpermit
turnaround time.
Mike Chalmers
that SC&RA’s Permit
Policy Committee
continues to find success.
as editor-in-chief for Thrive
Creative Services LLC, a
creative copywriting agency
based in Chicago.
Priority review
The Permit Policy Committeemet in
August to identify and prioritize the
many permitting issues affecting SC&RA
members today, and updated its list of
priorities in some key areas.
If you think about
it, what we’re trying to do
on the harmonization is
reduce cost. Those costs
are typically passed to our
customers and related
folks. Talking to them
about reduction is a great
path to take.
Vice President, Landstar Transportation
Logistics; Chairman, SC&RA Transportation
Group Governing Committee
hemissionof the SC&RA
Permit PolicyCommittee is to
identify andprioritize permit
issues andpromote best practices for the
purpose of harmonization, safety and
efficiency. At itsAugust 2014meeting,
the Permit PolicyCommittee continued
itsmission to achieve these objectives by
updating its list of priorities in some key
areas. The committee’s current priorities
are as follows:
High priority
Achieving 46,000pounds on tandem,
escort requirements (private andpolice),
ReasonableAccess (safe-haven/parking),
auto issue “routine superloads,” reduce
turnaround time formanual operations
(bridge analysis, district investigations,
etc.), hours of operation (including
Tuesday-Thursday restrictions), escort
requirements forwidth/height/length.
Moderate priority
Weight allowance (tridems, trunnions,
dual lanes), self-propelled equipment
permit issues, pilot car certification