Sellafield chimney demolition
to take place
The skyline at theUK’s pre-
eminent nuclear facility of
Sellafield is set tobe altered
foreverwhen a 1950s vintage
61m (200 ft) chimney that
sits atop the 11 storeyhigh
fuel reprocessing centre is
demolished. Its locationmeans
that the topof the chimney
stands 122m (400 ft) from the
ground. Its location at the heart
of the Sellafield complex rules
out the use of explosives, so
the team carryingout thework
will use a climbingplatform
todismantle the structure and
bring the estimated 600 tonnes
of concrete and rebar, and 25
tonnes of stainless steel that
will result from thework to the
Recent assessments of the
1950s stackhave confirmed
that it does notmeetmodern
design standards and its removal
is considered a highpriority
for SellafieldLtd, theNuclear
DecommissioningAuthority and
theOffice forNuclearRegulation
Workon sitewill soonbegin
to install an industrial lift and a
roof bridge structure, allowing
access to the base of the chimney.
The lift andbridgewill thenbe
used for the removal ofwaste
materialswhendemolition starts.
The demolitionwill take several
years to complete.
Hodgson said: “The jobof
bringingdown the stack is going
tobe a delicate operation to
ensure 100per cent safety of
all personnel and surrounding
nuclear plants. We have
has beenworkingwithus and
anumber of other contractors,
includingDelta Steeplejacks,
for the last three years on the
demolition scheme.
Canada, based
has appointed
Alain Durand
to the position
of vice president
of international sales, with
the role of developing and
managing the company’s
international markets. He
will work in conjunction
with Haver &Boecker in
Germany to further promote
MajorWire’s Flex-Mat and
OptimumWire screenmedia
product lines.
Ola Ulmala
joined crushing
and screening
specialist Allu
Finland as
president with
effect from1
September, havingmost
recently been vice president
of breakers at SandvikMining
& Construction. The current
president, Kauko Pylväs, will
continue as president of the
entire Allu Group.
Chair of theNDA’s disaster
response committee
has been named
to the board of the newly
formed USA Chapter
of The International
Society (TIEMS). This was
established at the TIEMS
2014USA Conference held
at the University of Southern
Mississippi in Hattiesburg.
TIEMS is a global forum
for education, training,
certification and policy in
emergency and disaster
Recycling to take off in
Eastern Europe?
According toa recent report
, thismarket is inagrowth
phase inCentral andEastern
Europe thatwill seea compound
annual growth rate (CAGR) of
approaching10% from2012 to
According to the report,
as the economic conditions in
these regionsofEurope improve,
considerable investments in road
C&Dwastemust achievea cycling
target of 70percent by2020,"
saidFrost&Sullivan energy&
environmental researchanalyst
MonikaChrusciak. "Market
revenueswill alsoget a legup
from the futureoptimisation
of collectionand recycling
technologies.Higher investments
in these serviceswill aid the
optimal processingof recyclable
wasteand improve safetywork
standards aswell."
Formore informationon the
report, visitwww.frost.com.
buildingandother construction
projectswill result in the
generationof largevolumesof
waste. Inaddition, thenewEU
member countries in the regionare
currently in theprocessof setting
up resources and facilities tomeet
andStandards that include the
achievement of a recycling target of
70% for all suchwasteby2020.
"Market development is
stronglydrivenby theWaste
Directive (2008/98/EC),wherein
Sandvik sole distributor Pilot
Crushtec, responsible for sales of
the former’s equipment in South
Africa and sub-Saharan Africa, has
reached amajormilestonewith the
sale of more than 50 units since
the agreementwas signed just 18
months ago.More than 40% of
thesemachines have gone into the
mining sector, with a further 30%
sold into quarrying and construction
applications. The appointment of Pilot
Crushtec, according to Sandvik, was
the precursor to a campaign intended
to see the company gain a substantial
share of themarket for crushing and
screening equipment in the region.
“Obviously conventional
demolitionusing explosives is
not feasible thereforewewill
use an ingenious self-climbing
platformwhichwill bring the
chimneydownbit by bit in a
An impression of the
climbing platform
mounted to the stack
above Sellafield’s
reprocessing facility