lowmaintenance anddurability are key
SandvikMining&Construction’s vice
president of PAbreaking, KajKoskela, said,
“Themost popularmodels for rental are small
breaker seriesRammer 555, 777 and999s.
This is verynatural because rental companies’
carrier fleets are composedofmainly3 to
8 tonnemini excavators. Rental companies
expect aplug-and-play concept –quick to
install, easy tooperate and service.”
He said that demand for breakers from the
rental industrywas solid. “Thepenetration
of the rental business is increasing and this
is reflected in thedemand for breakers. This
demandhas beenhealthyover thepast few
Sandvik'smost recent introductions have
been four newRammer brandedbreakers
– threenewunits in its small rangeplus the
5011 in its large range.
Thenew small breakers are the 255, 355
and455. They are said toplug a gap in the
company’s lineup, and are intended for
carriers from1.2 to5.2 tonnes. They feature
the constant blow energyoperatingprinciple
that is said tomaximiseproductivity and
FinnishmanufacturerAvant Tecno recently
released anewbreaker, theB230, tailored
for useon its 185demolition robot. The
19.8kWB230has ablow frequencyof up to
2,600perminute. Avant alsohas a range of
breakers speciallydesigned for usewith its
own loaders. There are threedifferentmodels
suitable for all 300, 400, 500, 600 and700
seriesmodels. The company says that they are
quiet andpowerful despite their small size.
Volvo’s latest series of breakers targets the
compactmarket. The seven-modelHB range,
launched last year andnowbeing introduced
toglobalmarkets, is designed for carriers
weighingbetween1 and10 tonnes.
Thebreakers are equippedwith a cushion
damper to reducenoise and vibration
Concrete breaking
made easy
R Thornton Demolition has been using an Atlas Copco HB5800 breaker, supplied via
Sandhurst Equipment Rental, to break out concrete during a dock extension project at
Able UK’s Seaton Port complex in Hartlepool. The breaker was paired with Thornton’s
60 tonne Cat 365C excavator to provide a powerful and capable combination. Thornton
was engaged by Able to carry out the extension to the dock, normally used for ship
dismantling operations, to allow the future decommissioning of four offshore drilling
The dock is being extended inland, meaning that several thousand cubicmetres
of strong concrete had to be broken up and removed to a tight deadline. Using the
HB5800/365C combo, Thornton was able to achieve an output of 800m
(28,252 ft
per day, allowing the company to remain precisely on schedule to complete the work.
The 5.8 tonne Atlas Copco
HB5800 has been teamedwithR
Thornton’s 60 tonne Cat 365C
through themachine, while theHB08 can
be adapted to suit the applicationusing
dual-speed control, and theHB07 andHB08
have anti-blank firing toprevent them from
continuing to strike once thematerial has
been completelypenetrated.
Earlier this year,Montabert introduced a
newmid-sizedbreaker for useonbackhoe
loaders and excavatorsweighingbetween8
tonne and18 tonne. The 501NextGeneration
(NG)was introduced to commemorate the
launchof the company’s first fullyhydraulic
concretebreakermore than45 years ago.
Themodel is said tobe 30% lighter than
its predecessor, but 75%morepowerful. This
improvedpower-to-weight ratiohas been
developed toboost efficiency for aggregates
producers, aswell as construction and
demolition contractors.
Thebreaker delivers up to870blows per
minute andboasts performance-improving
features such as an energy recovery system
that captures and recycles recoil energy from
thepiston to increase strikepower, aswell as
ablank-fireprotection system that reduces
harmfulmetal-to-metal contact.
In addition, the 501NGhydraulic breaker
features anupper and lower suspension
JCB has completed updating its Hammermaster range
with the addition of three new hydraulic breakers,
including theHM2470 shown here