Montabert’s new 501NG hydraulic breaker
was introduced to commemorate the
launch of the company’s first fully hydraulic
concrete breakermore than 45 years ago
carrier protection.DXB technology is said to
ensure the carrier is protected from the effects
of reduction inpressurepeaks.
Thebreakers include an energy recovery
system and apatented valve system that
increases overall performance, ahighquality
piston and cylindermanufactured toprecise
tolerances and an advanceddampening
system toprotect thebreakers against blank
firing. The company said the close tolerances
of theparts used in
thebreakers result in
Doosan subsidiaryBobcat’s breakers are
silenced as standard. The company claims
that diaphragm-type accumulators reduce
maintenancebypreventing slow leaks. The
latestmodels are said tohave low recoil and
minimal hydraulicpressure spikes to their
carriers. Thebreaker piston shape is also
said toproduce trapezoidal shockwaves
that exhibitmore energy at the endof
FRD’s FXJ275weighs 1,775kg and is for
use on 18 to 30 tonne carriers
eachpiston stroke for greater breakingpower.
All Bobcat breakers feature a framewith a
cylindrical design, which is said toprovide
improved access to jobs in confined areas.
FRDused the recent Steinexpo trade show
to showcase its latest generationof breakers.
Four newmodelswereon the stand and
replace fivemodels from thepreviousXP
series. TheFXJ175, FXJ275, FXJ375 and
FXJ475weigh in at 1,015, 1,775, 2525 and
3,205kg (2,233, 3,906, 5,555 and7,054 lb)
respectively and are for useon12-21,18-30,
25-42 and33-55 tonne carriers. Themodels
the four newmodels replace are theF19XP,
F2XP, F27XP, F35XP andF45XP.
Thenewbreakers feature anewmono-
blockdesign requiringno throughbolts
andofferingmorepower and resistance.
In addition, theFXJ alsohas an improved
greasing system, rod-pins, valvedesign
According to the company, with
multiplepatented enhancements theFXJ
series improves day-to-dayperformance
by reducingmaintenance anddowntime,
smoother operation, superior strength
and thehighest level of reliability. A
wider hydraulic flow range allows for their
useon abroad range of carriers, reducing
inventorywhile increasingutilisation.
Rammer launched a new
dedicated breaker boom at the
recent Steinexpo show in the shape
of theB300, whichmakes use of a 215
kg (693 lb) Rammer 777 hammer. The new
pedestal mounted dedicated boom provides a
maximum reach of 4.2m (13.8 ft) and 360° rotation
for optimum flexibility. The radio-controlled unit features
oversized Expander pins and robust pivot points for
greaterwear resistance; and centralised, manual
greasing andmaintenance-free bearings for ease of
servicing. All hoses are fully protected for resistance to
wear and impact. According to the company, theB300 has
been specifically designed formobile crusher applications.