Hydraulic attachment tools are being
represented in a new group within the
Committee for European Construction
Equipment (CECE) trade association.
This will act as a communication and
information platform for companies
operating in the field, including Arden
Equipment, Atlas Copco, Caterpillar,
FRD, Indeco, Montabert, NPK, Okada,
Sandvik, Simex, Socomec, Soosan, Tabe,
Toku and VTN.
The product group is chaired by
Torsten Ahr, vice president of marketing
at Atlas Copco Construction Tools. He
said: “Especially the sub-segment of what
we refer to as silent demolition tools
will see a steady upturn over the next
few years as the industry turns towards
more efficient solutions in demolition and
CECE said the era of the
sledgehammer and the wrecking ball
was over inmany parts of the world, and
that sophisticated tools like crushers,
pulverisers, grapples and scrap shears
were now being sought after.
The product group will be a
platform for discussions concerning
EU-legislationmatters that are
particularly relevant to the section –
such as the outdoor noise directive
– and to share information about
market developments.
Statistics on hydraulic breakers
and demolition tools will be another
core service, said CECE, who
claimed it was the only supplier of
worldwide data of this kind. Torsten
said of this: “We are happy to supply
such a unique tool to our manufacturers,
helping them to understand better their
market situation and their competitive
One of the crucial future topics of
the group, according to CECE, will be
to address the problem of hydraulic
breakers that are coming to the
Europeanmarket but that do not
comply with the European safety and
environmental legislation.
The scope of products in this section
of CECE also includes niche products
and highly specialised solutions such
as screening buckets, mounted plate
compactors and rotary drum cutters.
system that has beendesigned to extend
the carrier’swork life by absorbing
harmful vibrations and stress
Optional features include an air
pressurisationkit for underwater
applications, aswell as an automatic,
cradle-mountedgrease station
that delivers continuous oil flow,
reducingbushing and toolwear.
Montabert claimed that,
in comparisonwith similar-
sizedhydraulic breakers, the
501NG requiredminimal
maintenance, increasing
operator productivity. It
said the breaker’s simple
design– characterisedby
fewerwear parts andno tie
rods – enabledoperators
to complete routine
more efficiently andwith
standard tools.
At the larger endof
the breaker scale, the
latest breakers from
Dehaco come in the form
of the Ibex range, developed
for excavatorsweighingup to
46 tonnes. Akey feature is the
advancedhydraulic circuit
on the range that provides
increased flow to the valve
andpiston, resulting in
faster cycle times, increased
rodpenetration andmore
productivity than the
manufacturer’s previous
JCBoffers a 16-strong
line-upof JCBHammermaster hydraulic
breakers that it said suitedboth its own
and competitormachines from0.5 to55
tonnes. They aredesigned tobreak asmuch
material as possibleusingminimal power –
enablingquick and efficient completionof
jobs. There is a choiceof breaker tomatch
the job, whether for utilitywork, building
and construction, demolition and secondary
breaking, quarryingormining.
The Avant B160 is specially designed for Avant
The Doosan DXB100H, one of five
hydraulic breakers for use on Doosan
wheeled and crawler excavators from
14 to 38 tonnes
JCB says its rangehas been specifically
designed tomatch its ownmachines’
requirements, including all excavators, skid
steer andbackhoe loaders.However, its larger
breakers can alsobe suppliedwith auniversal
fitmentwithout ahanger bracket, enabling
them tobe fittedon anymachines using
dedicatedquickhitch systems.
The compactHammermastermodels
incorporate a sealed-for-life accumulator and
only require rechargingduring a full rebuild
service, says JCB. This, togetherwith a grease
retention seal in the lower tool bush is said to
ensure longer life and smoothoperation. Each
is fittedwith full length sideplates giving full
protection against accidental damage.