Demolition & Recycling - November/December 2013 - page 30

for Structures software (ELS) provided by
Applied Sciences International (ASI). This
enabled three-dimensionally modelling of the
structures and application of the demolition
In doing this Liberty was able to refine its
methods and demonstrate to the client the
resulting successful outcome well in advance
of undertaking any physical work. The seismic
impact of the structures was also modelled
to ensure the resulting ground vibration was
within acceptable limits, as an operating power
station was situated some 20 m (66 ft) from
the gas plant and some 80 m (263 ft) from
the reactor tower. Strict safety procedures
ensured zero health & safety incidents over the
complete time-frame of this project.
The first structure to be demolished was
the Briquette building. Given the complexities
of the structure, the methodologies were
constantly analysed and refined to ensure
the structure collapsed as intended with the
application of the required pull force. The
weakening cuts were designed so it collapsed
relatively simply, but ensured that the structure
was sufficiently stable so as to not pose any
risk to the team while preparation works were
underway. The structure was demolished
in two halves. The top section was removed
first, and then the bottom – utilising a similar
process of cutting by skilled oxy-cutting
personnel, hence weakening the structure,
and then applying a pull force to induce the
collapse. After the structure came over, the
DRI consultant inspected it to see the quantity
of DRI that had decanted out of the holding
bins. The structure was monitored for 24 hours
after collapse, allowing oxidisation to occur
and so minimising the risk to workers. Once
deemed safe, excavators began downsizing and
processing the scrap materials. The structure
was monitored throughout the downsizing
process to ensure any areas of DRI were
identified, isolated and treated prior to any
hand oxy-cutting taking place.
The gas plant was a series of pipe racks,
ovens, reformer structures and columns. It
contained substantial amounts of ducting,
heavy piping and plant equipment. Many of
the structures were collapsed using cut and
pull techniques - this then allowed the 230 and
The gas plant was demolished by excavators
equipped with shears and grapples
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