International Construction - November 2014 - page 68

november 2014
class. In the cabmeanwhile, the
control panel is basedon that of
the company’sHDCompact Line
models, and the steeringwheel is
positioned to give anunobstructed
viewof the instruments.
Fuel economy has been improved
by an automatic engine stop
featurewhich cuts themotor if the
machine has been stationary for an
The twomodels are due to go into
full production at the endof this
year, with commercial availability
from January 2015.
Alsonew fromHamm are the
DV+70i andDV+90i tandem
rollers, available a double vibratory
roller (VV), anoscillatory roller
(VO - a vibratory andoscillatory
drum) and as a combination roller
One of themost striking things
about the compactors is that
they look almost identical from
the front and the back. Indeed,
Hamm said thiswas part of the
designphilosophy, which extends
to the 180° rotating seat, allowing
the operator tobe comfortable
whatever the directionof travel.
Operatorswill also appreciate the
large cabwithplenty of glass and
widened access.The controls have
beendesigned tobe ergonomic
and intuitive touse, with themost
important functions includedon an
armrest joystick.
Series productionof theDV+ is
scheduled to start at the beginning
of 2015, with availability from the
Wirtgenmeanwhile used the
event tounveil theW50Ri andW
60Ri, compactmillingmachines
with cuttingwidths of 500mm and
600mm respectively.
They featureWirtgen’s proprietary
Level ProPlus levelling system to
make operation easier and improve
milling performance.This is
accessedby a newhigh-resolution
At the sharp end, as itwere,
themilling drum is part of a new
generationdesigned tominimise
wear and increase the drum life by
up to75%.
Alsonew fromWirtgen is the
spreader pack (S-Pack) for its
WR240,WR240i andWR250
millingmachines.This option is
designed to allowbinders tobe
spreadwithout creating clouds
of dust by placing the binder
straight in front of the rotor so it is
New fromVögelemeanwhile are
the Super 1600-3i andSuper 1603-
3i asphalt pavers.These are compact
machines for pavingwidths up to
7.5mon the trackedmodel and
7mon thewheeled variant.
They includemany of the
features from the company’s larger
pavers, such as theEcoPlus fuel
and emissions reduction system,
comprising a splitter gearbox
that disengages paving functions
after aminute of idle time and a
variable speed fan, among other
The paver alsohasVögele’s Pave
Dock systemonboard to cushion
joltswhen asphalt trucks backup to
it todelivermaterial.There is also a
PaveDockAssistant systemof lights
to aid vehicle communications.
Another new innovation from
Vögele is tooffer its Spray Jet
optionon the Super 1800-3i paver.
As the name suggests, the Spray
Jetmodule is for spray paving
applications of thinoverlays, aswell
as conventional binder and surface
newoutlets in countries as diverse
as Australia, Brazil, Iran,Malaysia
andSouthAfrica, among others.
It is easy tounderstandwhy
when sales through these direct
subsidiaries, as opposed to the
Group’s 150 independent dealers
anddistributors, account for about
75%of revenues.
These facilities are alsoused
for training and servicing of
equipment, andGroup co-head
JürgenWirtgen said, “We see a
trend around theworldwhere
more andmore contractors have
closeddown theirworkshops and
rely and suppliers ofmachines.”He
added, “We have found that the
more operatorswe train, the fewer
problemswe run into.”
New technology
As part of its 2014Road
TechnologyDays, a customer event
attendedbynearly 3,500people,
WirtgenGroup took thewraps off
newmachines from all three of its
roadbuilding brands –Hamm,
Vögele andWirtgen.
The eventwas held at theHamm
plant inTirschenreuth,Germany,
and the new compactors from this
WirtgenGroupbrandwere among
themost interestingnew arrivals.
TheH5i andH7i soil
compactors cover the 4.5 to8
tonne classes, andone interesting
design change is that the rearwheels
are nowdrivenbywheelmotors
insteadof an axle.Hamm said
this improves climbing ability and
increases the ground clearance of
The rollers have beendesigned
tobe compact and easy tooperate.
TheH7i, for example, is
4.40m long, whichHamm says
is the smallest in thisweight
Vögele now offers its Spray Jet module for thin overlays on the Super
1800-3i paver.
TheW50Ri is one of two new compact millingmachines fromWirtgen.
The H 7i is one of two
new soil compactors
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