Erith’sproject at KingsgateHouse illustrated theart ofwhencivils anddemolition
combine.Theproject consistedof thedemolitionof a10 storeyofficeblock
constructedof reinforcedconcrete.The structure itself occupieda6,000m2 site
footprint; situatedadjacent toWestminster School andWestminsterCityHall as
well aswithincloseproximityofWestminsterCathedral ConservationArea.
If sensitiveneighbourswas not enough, thecomplexproject involvedextensive
but intricatecivil and temporaryworks installations toaid theconstruction
of thebasement re-construction. Inessence this involved theexpertiseof
Erith’sdesign subsidiary tocarryout loading tests, thedesignof access
gantries, assessmentsof bearing installations andmost notably the
implementationof an innovative tower cranebase. Perhaps themost deserving
aspect of thisproject for theaward is that it incorporatedall aspects of our
capabilities - requiring input fromall of our divisions. Inaddition to the
demolition/asbestos andSwanton’s specialisms in temporaryworks, theproject
sawprominent involvement fromourHaulagedivision, especially in terms of the
basement excavation.The site’s localitypresented several challenges in termsof
logistical arrangements, all of whichhad tobeplannedandmanaged in linewith the
trafficmanagement plan.
Erith’sHealthandSafetyPerformancehas set exemplary standards across the
years, not least throughour investment in trainingand fabricationof internal
healthand safetycampaigns.Even inapotentiallyhazardous industry like
demolition, safetycanbe simple tomanage if anorganisation is runninga
handful of projectswitha fewworkers.However, asoneof the largest demolition
contractors in theUKwithover 20demolitionprojects runningconcurrently, the
ability todeliver exemplaryhealthand safety standards ismuchmore
challenging. But as current holders of theprestigiousWorldDemolitionSafety
andTrainingAward,Erithhaveproven that a robust strategyandagroup-wide
safetyethos is thekey toensuring safetyacrossour all sites.A focal point of our
safety standards set across the industryhasbeenclosely linked to the roll out of
our internallymanufactured safetycampaign –SevenSteps toSafety.The
implementationof thisprogramme formsphase2of our Safety24:7campaign
andhasbeen rolledout across thebusiness - from siteoperative through to
levelsof seniormanagement.Thecampaign focuses on seven integral steps in
enablinga saferworkingenvironment, theseconsist of:
pre-jobbriefing•post-jobbriefing •plan-check-do-review •collaboration
•observation •communication •preparedness.
WorldDemolitionTraining&SafetyAward2013 •NFDCSafeTransport Award2013 • RoSPAOccupational
Health&SafetyAward2012/3 •WorldDemolitionCollaborationAward2012 •WorldDemolitionSpecialist
Award2013 •ARCAGoldTrainingAward2013 • LondonBoroughof BexleyTrainingDevelopment Award2013