ArriumMining,Whyalla, Australia
Australian Decommissioning Services has been
shortlisted for the work it carried out during the
Whyalla Plant stage 3 dismantling inWarrandyte in
Victoria, Australia. This consisted of the dismantling
of a redundant pellet plant consisting of a rotary
dryer, dryer feed bins, conveyors and dust collection
system including ducting
The Pellet Plant was badly corroded so prior
to commencingworks Ausdecom had to remotely
access walkways, supports and structures. This
corrosion also limited the access for isolation
conformation by the owner for all electrical and other
energy sources. Ausdecom had to implement a strict
system to ensure it had proof of isolation before
any work could commence. Significant time was
spent checking both ends of cables for air gaps and
Brandenburg Industrial ServiceCo.
LaFargeDryWall plant,
NewarkNJ, USA
Brandenburg Industrial Service Company recently
performed a project at LaFarge North America, Inc.
located in Newark, New Jersey. The demolition
consisted of the entiremill structure, interior process
equipment and over 300m (1,000 ft) of conveyor.
Interior removal had to be performedwithout
damaging the exterior structure. For 20 years, the
plant, located on Port Authority property, received raw
materials via conveyors. Thematerial was then turned
into sheets of drywall. The plant was at one time a
leading exporter of LaFarge’s drywall division.
Themain challenge of the project was location.
Demolition, environmental remediation and asbestos
abatement efforts needed to be performedwhile
ensuring the flurry of activity for all port traffic
operated normally. Additionally, Newark Liberty
Airport was in close proximity to the demolition
area. All crane operations had to be cleared by
airport personnel with boom hoists only performed
when flights were not arriving or departing, which
required running two shifts. The day shift performed
all strip out work while crane picks were completed
throughout the night when air traffic ceased.
LondonWall Place,
London, UK
Keltbray has been shortlisted for a contract that
required extensive enablingworks involved
discharging third party approvals and consents,
the investigation and protection of adjacent listed
structures, the installation of temporary support
and stability bracing, securing road closures and
significant liaisonwith Crossrail, City of London and
neighbouring residents.
LondonWall Place is the redevelopment of
the existing St Alphage House tower and podium
structures to deliver two landmark office buildings for
Brookfield Office Properties &Oxford Properties. The
site was situated on LondonWall within the Heart of
the City of London in an environmentally sensitive
locationwith several close neighbours and extensive
heritage interfaces.
As a variation to themain contract works,
Keltbray was instructed to undertake the removal of
three pedestrian footbridges connecting the podium
structures to neighbouring buildings that spanned
existing live vehicle carriageways, themost notable of
which is Bassishaw Bridge, which spanned London
Wall, amain arterial route through the City of London.
All of the complicated Lifting Plans were designed
by the company’s in-house lifting operations
manager and all of the temporary works design and
calculations were carried out by Keltbray’s in-house
structural engineering company, Wentworth House
ensuring pipes had all drains and vents open before
any cutting could start.
The plant was locatedwithin a highly
environmentally sensitive area and as a result the
primary focus of the sensitivity was dust leaving site
and impacting the neighbouring town of Whyalla.
Throughout Ausdecom’s works the site remained
under continuous surveillance for fugitive dust and
zero breaches were reported for the project.
To successfully complete the contract ADS faced
three key challenges. The first was to engineer
and complete safely and successfully the lift of a
90 tonne dryer unit within tight time constraints to
avoid interferingwith the normal operation of the
pallet plant. The company also had to engineer the
controlled collapse of four product storage silos within
the confined operating area. Finally, it had to carry
out controlled cutting and lifting of eight large elevated
product transfer conveyors.
Furthermore, within several feet from the
demolition area, thousands of brand new
automobiles were being unloaded at the port, lining
the surrounding parking lots that are used as a
staging area. Brandenburg took extra precautions
to prevent damage to these new vehicles using
rigid fire resistant blankets to prevent any sparks or
slag from reaching the cars and qualified ground
personnel guarded the area to guarantee no sparks
weremoving in the direction of the automobiles. In
addition, as part of Brandenburg’s safety standards
prior to the start of each shift, a safetymeetingwas
conducted to discuss the potential hazards in and
around the areawith all crewmembers.