Demolition & Recycling - September/October 2014 - page 67

An OilQuick coupler is allowing ARDemolition
to rapidly and easily switch attachments
to process differentmaterials during the
demolition of an aluminium production line
New jaw at Cheshire
Macclesfield, UK, based Cheshire Demolition has recently expanded its crushing capabilities
through the addition of a Terex Finlay J-1170mobile jaw crusher supplied by dealer Finlay
Central, following on from the acquisition of a J-1160 jaw and an 883 screen from the
samemanufacturer. The company has one of the largest reclamation yards in the north-
west of England and offers the full line of demolition services as well as skip hire.
The company originally bought the newmachine for use at its yard, but now it is also
used on site. Most recently, it processed 15,000 tonnes to deliver Class 6F2 product at
a rate of 200 tonnes per hour that will be used for ground restoration on site tomake it
suitable for redevelopment.
The J-1170 uses a hydrostatically driven jaw chamber that Finlay says delivers high
capacity with large reduction ratios. Its configuration can be set up specifically for
processing construction and demolition waste, or for use in quarrying applications. It also
features a heavy duty variable speed grizzly feeder and integrated prescreen that the
company claims delivers high production throughput in demolition and recycling applications,
as well as inmining and quarrying.
The Terex Finlay J-1170was initially acquired for yardwork but nowmoves from site to site aswell
The solution for these rapid tool changes
came in the shapeof theOilQuick system.
OilQuick is an automatic coupler that permits
hydraulicwork tools tobe connected and
disconnecteddirectly from thedriver’s cab,
allowing theoperator to changebetween
variouswork toolswithin seconds.
Dolman commented thatwhereas they
wouldusuallyneedmore thanonemachine
on site, all fittedwithdifferent attachments
to carryout ademolition contract, only
onemachine isnow required. In terms of
financial gainsRichard said that this offers
themain advantage since thismeans lower
fuel, servicing andmaintenance costs.AR
Demolition isnow looking to the futurewith a
further investment inOilQuick for its fleet of
larger 40 tonnemachines.
Shredding in one pass
orthern Ireland-basedEdge
Innovatehas introduced anew
basket system for its Slayer
XL shredder that allowsmaterial tobe
shredded to the required size in just one
pass.Available in sizes from50mm (2
inch) to250mm (10 inch) depending
on customer requirements, the system
canbyquickly removedor exchanged for
different aperture screens.
Edge’s Slayer canbedeployed
inprimaryor secondary shredding
applications becauseof its robust
design and resistance todifficult-to-
shredmaterials. TheXL range canbe
suppliedwithup to12different shaft
configurations to allow it tobeused
across awide rangeof applications.
Trampmetal cycles and intelligent load
sensingpreventsdamage and resulting
Thenew shredding chamber
configuration comeswithbolt-on tools
with two cutting edges (doubling tooth
life), heavydutypipeunit shafts and
optional toothbreaker bar. Thenew
cutting edges on thebolt-on tools enable
theSlayerBasket System toboth cut and
shred. These characteristics allow it to
processdifficult tohandlematerials such
as carpets, tires andmattresses at ahigh
throughput capacitybut at low engine
The basket system for Edge Innovate’s
Slayer XL shredder is availablewith
apertures from 50mm to 250mm
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