Demolition & Recycling - September/October 2014 - page 64

shear goes to work
xclusiveSpanishTrevi Benne
distributorBYGS.Ahas recently
delivered the first of the former’s
MarilynCS160RS shears toFranciscoMata
S.A. The latter is the leading companyon the
IberianPeninsulaoperating in the recovery,
treatment and saleof ferrousmaterials from
industrial demolitionprojects and ship
It is inoneof four facilities ownedby
Mata that theCS160RSwill beused for the
demolition and complete reductionof large
ships, large sizeprofiles andother substantial
metal structures.Onceprocessed, the resulting
scrapwill be sent tovarious facilities in the
regionwhere itwill be recycled.
The shear is boommountedon aLiebherr
R984 excavator. TheCS160RS, themost
powerful of theMarilynSeries offeredbyTrevi
Benne,weighs in at 15.500kg (34,100 lb)., a
height of over 5m (16.4 ft), amaximum jaw
openingof 1.1m (3.6 ft) andprovides a force
ofmore than1,300 tonnes at theblades.
Argentinian recycling
Recycling is at an relatively early stage in South America, but in Argentina Trans-Plus SRL is
using a Rockster R900 impact crusher with a screen box and return belt to produce clean
recycled aggregate with a consistent grain size for road fill.
The Argentinian government is attempting to find a solution to the problem of roads
being washed away during heavy rainfall. It appears that subcontractors have in the past
used road fill that containsmaterials that expand when wet and do not hold the compacted
material together, causing roads to break up and dumpmaterial into watercourses,
contributing to flash flooding and associated deaths.
Trans-Plus is therefore working with the government on a trial project where recycled
material is certified as being suitable for non-structural construction use and has been
performing numerous tests with its final output product. Trans-Plus general manager
Luciano Emiliozzi said: “After demonstrating the cleanmaterial our Rockster R900was
producing, we began to sell to local municipalities and they now only want our recycled
TheMarilyn CS 160RS shear supplied to Francisco
Mata SA is the largest in Trevi Benne’s range
ARockster R900with screen box and return belt is helping Trans-Plus produce clean
recycled aggregate for a variety of customer needs, but road fill in particular
Big Al
RotarRDPpulveriser is beingused
byMGLDemolition to remove a
radar station that dates back toWorld
War II atRAFBoulmer inNorthumberland,
UK. Supplied toMGLbyUKdealerWorsley
Plant, thepulveriser ismountedon the short
boomof the company’s 34m (112 ft) Liebherr
954high reach (nicknamedBigAl). BigAl
has its ownbuilt-inwater dust suppression
system, whichMGL reports performs very
well alongside the shape anddesignof the
Rotar attachment.
The stationonce featured a 57 tonne radar
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