French first for
The first Sennebogen821
E-Series in France is being
worked by Eurometal at its
facility near Lyon, where it
moves up to480 tonnes per
ennebogen introduced the 821M
as a reliable all-aroundmachine in
2013. This compactmaterial handling
machineprovides an11m (36 ft) reach,
weighs in at 23 tonnes and is intended for
use across awide rangeof applications in the
waste and scrap sectors. Sennebogen’s French
sales and servicepartner, Sygmat, was able
todeliver the firstmachineof theE-Series
toEurometal near Lyon, at the beginningof
The enterprise, whichwas founded in
1976, handles approximately15,000 tonnes
of scrap and aluminumwaste annually at
the site inMeyzieunear Lyon, and formany
years has reliedonSennebogenmaterial
handlingmachines. AC-Series 821was used
successfully as apredecessor in the years prior
to the arrival of theE-Seriesmodel, which
replaced thatmachine and also supplements
Equippedwith a 97kW (130hp) Stage 3B
engine and all-wheelmobileundercarriage,
the compactmaterial handlingmachine is
able toprovide a flexiblehandling solution
across the entire site, indoors aswell as out.
It is used indoors byEurometal to charge
the scrappress.With a rear radius of only
2.4m (7.9 ft) and awidthof 2.5m (8.2 ft),
themachine is compact andmaneuverable.
Eurometal has particular praise for the
machine’sMaxcab, available for the first time
in thismachine class, which canbe elevated to
a viewingheight of 5.8m (19 ft). Compared
to thepredecessormachine, noise emissions
havebeen reducedby asmuch as 50%– an
important criterion, particularly for
indoor use.
Themachine sets new standards
in terms of fuel consumption and
operating costs. The 821M loads and
sorts the arrivingmaterials at two
cycles perminute. Eurometal’s initial
data confirmed a fuel consumption
of less than9 litres per hour - a value
that significantly exceeded their
expectations. Sennebogen’s new
control system, SENCON, supports
the operator indailyoperations. Idle
stop automation andECOMode
save fuel. InOptimode, themachine
canbe tailoredprecisely for the
operationbeing carriedout so that
themachine canwork at thehighest
level of efficiency. In combination
with the optimised engine controller,
fuel savings of up to25% arepossible,
claims Sennebogen.
Changing times
Late last year UK dealer Blue Group supplied the first Terex FuchsMHL349D FQC in the
country tometal recycling specialist MaxileadMetals, who operates a recycling facility in
Manchester. The company already operates two other Terex Fuchsmachines, but the new
machine is the first to be equipped with the optional Fuchs Quick Connect system.
The FQC systemmakes use of leak-free quick connect couplings that together with a
hydraulic locking device can be connected together with no oil loss andminimal wear, allowing
tool change-overs to be carried
out from the cab in less than
aminute. All connections are
protected from shocks and
contamination, with sensors to
verify correct positioning and
secure locking.
Themachine supplied to
Maxilead is equipped with a 5.2
m (17 ft) boom coupled with a
short stick that incorporates
the FQC. Power is supplied by a
Deutz six cylinder turbocharged
Stage IIIA compliant diesel
delivering 128 kW (171 hp).
Themachine is fitted with four
point outriggers formaximum
stability and a hydraulically
raising cab that provides a
maximumworking height of
5.4m (17.7 ft).