Demolition & Recycling - September/October 2014 - page 57

(IMU) gives precisemachineorientation
anddeterminesmachine angle fromgyro
and accelerometer data.Highperformance
antennae send satellite signals to aGNSS
receiver that processes them toprovide real
omatsuEurope International has
launched anew versionof its
PC210LC-10, thePC210LCi-10, that
is fittedwithwhat the company says is the
world’s firstmachine control andguidance
system that is fully integratedwith all the
other features of the standardmachine.
Operatingweights of thenew excavator
range from22.6 to23.5 tonnes, depending
on configuration, and it offers 123kW
(165hp) at 2,000 rpm. Themachine’s other
specifications are identical to the standard
The intelligent control system ensures
that thebucket is automatically limited
fromdiggingbeyond the target surface. It
maintains grade automatically, with real-
time bucket edgepositioning in relation to
themachine and thework surface. Status is
instantlydisplayedon the full colour,multi-
function control boxmonitor, eliminating
thewait time associatedwith conventional
The system includes stroke sensing
hydraulic cylinders for theboom, arm
andbucket. The InertialMeasuringUnit
Smart digging ahead
Genesis grapples
times 10 capacity
GenesisEquipment has announced that its
GSGgrappleproduct line is now available in
10 sizes ranging in capacity from0.4m
([0.5 yd
to2.5 yd
),.GSGgrapples have
beendesigned tobeusedwith20 to80 tonne
material handlers for use across awide range
of applications.
According to the company, theyhavebeen
designed to reducemaintenance, improve
durability, lower operating costs and enhance
safety, Eachmodel features identical hardened
steel bearingswithdust seals at all pivot
points tokeepout contaminants and aheavy-
duty cylinder guarding system that protects
the cylinders and internal components that is
easily removed formaintenance.
Edinburgh, UK, based Daltons Demolitions Ltd
has taken delivery of a new 30 tonne demolition
specification Doosan DX300LC-3 thatwas supplied
via Scotia Plant, authorised Doosan andBobcat
dealer for central Scotland. The new Stage IIIB
compliantmachine has been suppliedwith a cab
guard, heavy duty undercarriage, underguarding,
side protection, additional hydraulic circuits, safety
handrails, vandal guards and awarning beacon. It
also sports a Geith quick hitch and a Doosan heavy
duty bucket.
Themachine’s first outingwas in Dunfermline
where it removed a steel frame structure that
had served as a supermarket distribution centre,
and before that as awhiskey bottling plant. It
was removed tomakeway for a new office and
manufacturing facility for a leading oil company.
Daltons began the contract using its older DX300LC
excavator thatwas replaced by the newmachine
eightweeks into thework.
Indeco’s new scrap shear
The ISS 35/60 scrap shear has been introduced by IndecoNorth America,
intended to round out the company’s product line for the scrap and recycling
industries. The new shear features a dual-profile piercing tip, four reversible
interchangeablemain cutting blades, a jaw opening of 889m (35 in) and
continuous 360° rotation.Weighing in at 6,965 kg (15,322 lb), the new
tool can be used as a secondmember attachment on a 35 tonne carrier, or
by a 65 tonne carrier as a demolition attachment.
It combines all of the features of the ISS product line including a special
HARDOXmain body frame, an integrated regeneration valve that accelerates
no-loadmovement of the jaw, a pivot group that prevents the jaws from
buckling and a large, powerful hydraulic cylinder with long-lasting seals
that can withstand over 10,000 psi of pressure. Its unique design readily
accommodates a broad range of carriers, says the company.
The newKomatsu PC210LCi-10 featureswhat the
company claims is theworld’s first intelligent
machine control system
In addition, the 10grapples feature
reverse-mounted cylinders that protect rods
fromdamage, large-borehydraulic cylinders
tomaximise clamping force and long-life,
abrasion-resistant steel tips that are easily
replacedwith a simpleperimeterweld.
Genesis alsoprovides anumber of tine
formswith flat- or point-tine shapes inhalf-
or narrow-width spades for high-volume
Tenmodels nowmake up Genesis Equipment’s GSG
grapple range
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