ilti’s fifthgenerationTE70-AVR that
replaces theTE76 is a 7kg (15.4 lb)
combihammer designed for
hammer drilling in concrete,masonry
andnatural stone from18-150mm
(0.7- 6 inch) diameters, drilling
mid-to-heavyduty anchor holes
from18-40mm (0.7-1.6 inch) diameters,
breaching anddemolitionwithpointed and
flat chisels andpipepenetration
throughholes up to150mm
It has a vibration level of only10m/s²
allowing anoperative todrillmore than400
holes per daybasedon a 25mmdiameter
to100mmdepth, before reachingELV
(exposure limit value). This performance is
created through a single impact energyof 11.5
Joules, ahammering speedof 2,760blows per
minute and adrilling speedof 360 rpmwhich
exceeds the 250-280rpm industry standard.
manager (heavyduty tools) atHilti, said: “The
7kg combihammer class is theworkhorseof
literally every construction jobsite, henceone
of themost competitive formanufacturers.”
“The threemajor requirements for every
sitemanager andoperative areproductivity,
health and safety, anddurability, andwith the
achievedperformance, two fullydecoupled
grease chambers and a glass-fibre reinforced
casing for long lasting tool life, wehave a
product that is second-to-none.”
The first Kocurek booms to be supplied under
the exclusive agreementwith CompanyWrench
signed off at ConExpo earlier this year have
arrived in the USA. Included in the shipment are
two 15.25m (50 ft) booms thatwill bemounted
to Kobelco SK260 carriers by CW’smanufacturing
division C.W.MachineWorx at the company’s
headquarters in Ohio. A range of other demolition
high reach booms are on order and are due to
be delivered shortly, including two 18.3m (60
ft) front ends for Kobelco SK350s, a 22.9m (75
ft) also suitable for an SK350, and 26m (86 ft)
and 28m (92 ft) front ends for use on Kobelco
SK500s. A number of long reach boomswill also
form part of the order.
JCB TAB solution for Sutton
Suffolk,UK, basedSuttonServices has taken
deliveryof a JCB JS260XD, replacing a JS220
machine, equippedwith a triple articulating
boom (TAB). This has a lengthof 6.24m
(20.5 ft), up from5.85m (19.2 ft), and thus
provides an increaseddigdepthof 12.12m
(39.76 ft)when fittedwith a 3.53m (11.58
ft) aswell as increased reach i. TheTAB also
allows twork right up to the tracks, which
is particularlyusefulwhen themachine is
processingdebris using a grappleor shear.
Sutton is using thenewmachine to carry
outwork at the formerRAFMildenhall
air forcebase, where it is demolishing an
accommodationblock, Building479, forVinci
Facilities. Suttonhas anumber of demolition
contractswith this company involving two
and three storey structures, work forwhich
the JS260XD is proving tobebetter equipped.
Themachine’sweight ofmore than
27 tonnes provides a stablebase for a
rangeof attachments and full auxiliary
hydraulic circuits allows it to carrydifferent
attachments as required.
Hilti’s focus on
The TAB on Sutton’s JS260XD allows the
operator towork right up to the tracks
Terex Construction has introduced a new backhoe
loader, the TLB850 based on the popular TLB840 but
with a 70 kW (94 hp) charge air cooled diesel that
Terex claims delivers high performance. It has a
closed centre hydraulic circuit, consumingminimal
power and reducing lever effort for the operator.
With smoothmulti-functional operation of boom,
dipper extender and bucket, the system allows for
fine control and smooth operation for quick, easy
and accurate grading and levelling.