ttachmentmanufacturers are
continuing to raise thebar by
demolition attachments, often fittedwith
boosters toprovide evengreater power;
more controllable grapples, buckets and jaw
sets; and easier touse couplers and control
systems.Newproduct innovations are saving
time andmoney for contractors, aswell as
improving safety records on site.
Butwhat ofmarket conditions, given that
recent years have seen a reduction indemand
across theboard as contractors age their fleets
anddelay thepurchaseof new equipment,
Rotar’s LouisBroekhuizen toldD&Ri that
for him, there is adistinct improvement in the
market conditions for his company’s products.
He said: “We see amarked improvement that
began tobenoticeable at the endof 2014.We
havehaddifficult years behindus but now
we are verybusy.Over the last four or five
yearswe coulddeliver orders straight from
stock, which is our standardpolicy, but at the
momentwehave a 6-8weekdeliverywait on
neworders. In terms of current orders, we
are 30% aheadofwhatwas budgeted for. The
UK andUSA are very good for us currently.
TheUSA couldhavebeen evenbetter had the
scrapprice remainedhigh, sincewehave a
strongposition in theUS scrap shearmarket.”
Hewent on: “Having said that, our
pulverisers and combi-shears arebeginning
to take off in thatmarket. At first,US
contractorswere somewhat conservative
where these attachmentswere concerned
but theynow arebeginning tomove to full
hydraulic tools.”
Louis said that in additionRotar remains
in a goodposition inBrazil despite the
somewhat brittlenatureof that country’s
economy. “Wehave a gooddealer there and
he is still doinggoodbusiness for us. The
worstmarket for us currently isBenelux,
which iswherewe arebasedof course, but
thismarket now accounts for less than50%of
our production.Given thenumber of other
attachmentmanufacturerswho are alsobased
in theNetherlands, it is hard togain a sizeable
market share in the country.”
Hewent on to say that Rotar has now
established an arrangement inFrancewith
exclusivedealerRDS that is similar innature
to that inplace in theUKwithWorsleyPlant,
with the latter offering a complimentary
product portfolio from a rangeof
Boosters are now a common feature onmany
demolition attachments , as contractors look to
getter greater performance and power from tools of
lower weight.
Rotar uses hydraulic lines on its
attachments that are the same
diameter throughout, something that
eliminates backpressure but allows
performance to bemaintained
new CU007
crushers is
intended for
6 -10 tonne