Demolition & Recycling - May/June 2015 - page 32

Mobile crushing and
screening plant are now
well established tools for
waste recycling efforts, but
is there another level to be
plant suppliers certainly
think so.
Recycling at a
erceptionsmight have it that
aggregatewashing systems are
primarily intended for large volume
aggregatemining andquarrying applications,
and indeed it is true thatwas their origin.
However, as didmobile crushing and
screening equipment, they arenowbeginning
to find theirway intodemolitionwaste
recycling applications. So should ademolition
contractor consider adding this typeof plant
to its recycling armoury?
CDEGlobal’s headofmarketingPeter
Craven certainlybelieves so.He told
that there are anumber of benefits to adding
washing to an existing construction and
demolitionwaste recyclingoperation.He said:
“Themainbenefit has been amore broad
rangeof applications for thewashed recycled
sand and aggregateswhichwill also command
ahigher price. It is the abilityof thewash
plant to effectively remove the fine silts and
clays and thenon-mineral contamination
withCDE’sAggMaxportable logwasher
removesmaterials such as polystyrene,
rubber, paper, plastics and lightweight
organicmaterial todeliverwashed recycled
aggregates that are free from contamination.
The removal ofmetals from the feed is also
facilitatedwith the introductionofmagnets.
Themodular natureof all the equipment also
allows for theplant tobe accommodatedon
a compact footprint.Due to theproximityof
waste recyclingoperations tourban centres,
fullwater recycling and sludgemanagement
is also includedwithin theplant that not only
eliminates the requirement for settlingponds
but recycles approximately95%of all the
water used in thewashingplant.
The above is confirmedbyTerexWashing
Systems' global sales director IainWalker, who
: “Washingoffers hugebenefits.
Material going through a typical demolition
waste facility is highly variable in terms of
content. If you look at the traditional situation
with amobile crusher and screen, theproduct
is small bits of concretemixedwith small
bits of brick, timber etc., so youdonot have
separation.Generallywhat happens is a lot of
the -10mmmaterial is discarded (landfilled),
that leads to the increase inproduct quality.
The aggregate screening, scrubbing and sand
washing elements are all integrated to ensure
maximum recoveryof the sand fraction from
the feedmaterial.”
Hewent to say that scrubbingmaterial
TerexWashing System’s Aggresand 165 produces
three clean aggregate and two clean sand products
from feedmaterial
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