WFrizell (Haulage andPlantHire)
has takendeliveryof aTerexFinlay
883+ tracked screen that joins aTerex
Finlay J-1170 jaw crusher supplied sixmonths
ago, withbothmachines suppliedbyFinlay
Central. Both are currentlyoperating at the
company’s new recycling centre established
inStoke-on-Trent,UK, althoughboth are
availableonhire for contract crushing and
Thematerial that is brought to the site is
fed through the J-1170 and into the 883+ to
produceMOT, pipebedding, filtermedia and
topsoil. With increased site efficiency gained
frombothmachinesworkinghand inhand,
95%of thematerial brought toFrizell's facility
is recycled andprocessed at amuchgreater
TheTerexFinlay883+has the capacity to
process at a rateof up to500 tonnes per hour
andhas beendesigned towork either on its
ownor after aprimary crusher. Theplant
features amodular configuration screenbox
with a 4.9x1.6m (16x5 ft) topdeck and
Beijing first for Rockster
In what is claimed as a first, a Rockster Recycler R700S tracked impact crusher was
used by specialist contractor Beijing Yu Long Environment Protection during the renewal
of a road in the Chinese capital of Beijing. Likemany of itsWestern counterparts, the
local government bodies have laid down strict requirements concerning the use of mobile
crushers within the city boundaries, and this is said to be the first time that recycled
asphalt and concrete were crushed directly on a site and immediately reused in the city.
The R700S produced a constant output in excess of 100 tonnes per hour to a size of
0/32mm and also showed low fuel consumption. The R700Swas also fitted with dust
suppression on themain belt, resulting inminimal emissions of either dust or exhaust
gases during themachine’s operation.
MrWang, the project manager at Beijing City Road and Bridge Construction Group,
said: "It is very important for us to recycle construction waste so we can protect the
environment and save natural resources." Estimates indicate that 40million tonnes of
demolition waste is generated within Beijing every year, with some 90% of this being
reusable, suggesting amajor opportunity for efficient recycling operations.
Increasing capacity
The new Terex Finlay 883+ joins a J-1170 crusher at
TW Frizell’s new Stoke-on-Trent recycling centre
A 1,340 kg (2,948 lb) Sandvik Bretec L20 breaker,
supplied through dealer Rock Brit, is being used
by Brazilian cement producer Brennand Cimentos
S/A, mounted on a XCMG XE210 excavator, in a
secondary breaking role to deal with boulders
that are too large to bemoved or crushed,
resulting in improved operational efficiency. The
silenced breaker isworking at the company’s
facility at Sete Lagoas, which producesmore
than amillion tonnes of Portland cement annually.
“We trialed a competitive breaker but it simply
could not break these boulders. In fact, when
the Bretec L20was delivered by Rock Brit,
we already had a big square boulder that the
previous hammer had failed to break,” commented
mining coordinator Paulo Pereira, who further
added; “The Bretec breaker made an immediate
impact. Sincewe installed the (Bretec) hydraulic
hammer it hasworkedwell. Productivity has been
very good!”
TheR700S impact crusher atwork processing 5,500
tonnes of asphalt and concrete inBeijing
bottomdeck screen, withoptional features to
permit tines or cassette frames to enablemesh
fitting. Trackmounted tomaximise onsite
portability and ease of operation, it alsohas
threehydraulic folding stockpilers toprovide